In 1999 Florian Mehnert developed with the Iceland Project a first concept about building up a communication platform on the Internet: even before social networks were developed. The main topic of this project was the confrontation with the strong basic human need for communication and self-portrayal.
Suddenly, the internet made a worldwide realtime exchange towards many people possible.
First chat rooms on the website of the project with the possibility to upload and comment pictures were enthusiastically accepted by users worldwide.
The concept of the Island Project was to show how the Internet, with its expanded global communication capability, would enhance and change the society in its economy, culture and self-understanding.
The Iceland project wanted to question one's own perception, also in the sense of the temporally relative perception of reality, and the past (self-observation).
The Iceland Project looked to the future and should enable the exchange and reflection about what has become a matter of course today through live webcams (whose recordings would be stored forever) and chats: the permanent self-representation in real time.
Florian Mehnert began in 1999 with the realization of the elaborate project, which remained unfinished.